Date of Birth: Monday, Nov 12 1906 State of Birth: OK Passed Away: Sunday, Nov 20 1988 City: Big Clifty State: KY
Military Records Branch: U.S. Army Tour: WWII (2ND CAVALRY DIVISION)
Releatives Wife: Frances Marie Johnson DOB: May 16, 1916 ( Passed: Nov 5 1991 Age:75) Son: Gerald Lewis Johnson DOB: May 29, 1938 ( Current Age: 86) Daughter: Delores Jean Johnson DOB: Dec 1, 1939 ( Current Age: 85) Son: Delton Leroy Johnson DOB: Jul 1, 1941 ( Current Age: 83) Son: Howard Jay Johnson DOB: Mar 29, 1944 ( Current Age: 80) Son: Larry Ray Johnson DOB: Mar 29, 1944 ( Current Age: 80) Son: Roger Lee Johnson DOB: Oct 15, 1945 ( Current Age: 79) Son: Philip Dale Johnson DOB: Mar 26, 1947 ( Passed: Nov 9 2011 Age:64) Son: Gary Alton Johnson DOB: Oct 25, 1948 ( Current Age: 76) Daughter: Beverly Faith Johnson DOB: Dec 23, 1949 ( Current Age: 75) Son: Darrell Dean Johnson DOB: Jul 29, 1951 ( Current Age: 73)
James Jay Johnson was born the son of Ralph Andrew Silas Johnson and Josephine Johnson (Russian Inuit Indian immigrant) on Nov 12 1906 in Oklahoma. James worked the family farm until he enlisted in the Army in , never reaching a public education level above 7th grade. James would later meet Frances Marie Darnell during his tour at Fort Knox and they quickly started their family. James and Frances would go on to have 13 children 3 of which died during her pregnancy. When James left the military he became a Machine operator for a plow manufacturing company in Louisville, KY during the 1940s.
James was known as a hard worker, always was in bed by 9pm and up at 5am every day of his life. At some point during his career he suffered an accident that caused him to lose the tip of his right hand index finger. James was a rugged man who was extremely strong and in his signature bib overalls his gate was not hard to recognize. James was a farmer at heart and always had a farm to help provide for his family. He built many barns in his lifetime in which he stored is things. In his barns was a massive warehouse of materials, 5 gallon buckets of bolts a bucket for each type and size. Motors, metal in various types and sizes and he would stock pile metal he found for his bi-yearly haul to the nearest recycling center. On September 19,1956 James began his employment at Vulcan Hart a Equipment manufacture of restaurant supplies.
James was never known for being a gentle man, he had a temper and was quick to express his displeasure in a situation. James and France`s children would grown up to be proud and successful men and women and have children of their own. With 11 Children you can imagine the amount of grandchildren they would come to have. James would soon be called `Papaw` and Frances would be called `Mamaw` to this growing bunch of grand babies. James and Frances where living in Big Clifty when James finally retired from Vulcan Hart and he no longer had to drive the long drive to Louisville every week. James could finally work in his barn and tend to his garden and listen to the evening news.
By the late 1970s James`s had begun to lose his hearing and would need you to talk to him and not away from him. He would gently hold his hand up to his ear in church so he could hear what the preacher was saying or watching the evening news on TV. 6pm like clockwork James would retire to his recliner and watch the evening news. His hands would shake and it was hard for him to do tiny things because his fingers shook so much. James was a virtual toolbox he always seemed to every tool he need in his over alls. James always seemed so happy to see his children and grand children when they would come over for a visit.James would sit on the front porch and watch as the trains went by and count the rail cars. He could tell you what the color was or what was written on any given train car if you asked.
Scary would not quiet explain a ride in the truck with James. He drove fast and his temper caused him to make some lane changes or car passes you prayed he would not attempt. The family finally decided it was time for James to stop driving in the late 1970s and he sold his truck he had been driving for many years. James seemed content not driving but from time to time you could see his face light up when a truck came down the road or pulled into the driveway.
In the 1980s James had a heart attack and his life began to slow down a lot. He no longer could enjoy his barn or work in the yard pulling dandelions, or even tend to the garden. He began to suffer from Alzheimer`s and would regress to childhood memories from time to time and had to be watched. Frances watched over James when he finally passed away on Sunday November 20 1988. Our heart will always miss James (Dad/Papaw) and though time may heal all wounds our hearts will never be the same without him.
We will always love you and miss you very much. Successfuly